Leaders of Career-related Education Conference in Cyprus January 22-23 2026

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IBCP & BTEC Conference in Madrid, January 23-24 2025

The CRSC team would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone that attended and contributed to our conference in Madrid this year. Your energy, dedication and collaboration to career-related studies was truly infectious!

Video from the conference: https://ai.invideo.io/watch/5HAqr7LJ930

Sample of the Madrid conference agenda

Session themeled by
The new CP Core for 2025Becky Youngman, IBO
Creative ways of generating BTEC assessment evidence using new technologyShaun Chambers, Pearson Standards Verifier for Creative subjects and Esports
Developing entrepreneurship and sustainability consciousness in vocational educationBas De Reus, ROC Zadkine
How to embed employability skills and real world learning opportunities in career-related studiesBruno Brunas, International School of the Hague
Partnering with JA Europe and maximising practical experiences for studentsNicky Schembri  and Naila Neymatova, Verdala International School
Investing in your BTEC/ CRS team – how Pearson can support your professional developmentJames Broadbent, Pearson Professional Development