Your one-stop-shop for a vocational/career related program – from Pre-Med to Business

Every year we start a new cohort of schools. We know that all schools are special but we have seen the strength of guiding schools together to speed up both the process of authorization and the understanding of the process and the result. We treat all our schools as individual entities but some parts of the process are better conducted in a small group of two to six schools.

We offer a 12-month premium package that includes:

  • BTEC authorization
  • IBCP application
  • University partnership(s)
  • Training and helpdesk during those 12 months – always replying within 48hrs

CRSC can assist you in everything from initial planning, application process, to creation and implementation of your vocational program, IB Career-related Programme and/or BTEC set up. We arrange partnerships with a selected University partner acting as an awarding body and the natural next step for your students.

Full service

CRSC will provide you with everything you need in order to get started on your journey to an up-and-running programme. We will make this easy and effective, both in terms of manpower and money. Your staff doesn’t have to worry about the application process, implementation of the programme components or how to create a functional curriculum. Leave that to us, we will educate your staff when the time comes.